[These international legal codeswere agreed as part of the Nuremberg war crimes trials after WWII.]. This might be the most, Public servants fighting COVID vaccine mandate go up against unions. In the EU, more than 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. In fact, there arecurrently many attempts to change laws to enforce vaccine compliance. | As many of you are now aware, a class action lawsuit was filed in Superior Court in Ontario back on January 11th, 2021. Your email address will not be published. Geneva Convention standards for a vaccine against viral disease: This is a leaky gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid, and claims that they reduce the symptoms, but double-vaccinated are now. Who got a kill shot and who got saline? Trudeau is breaking laws, and he can, TheHighWire The wheels have come off and things are tumbling down.What is Really Driving, Talking to Canadians about Media Blackouts and how we can all help and support in the, Watch videos from around the globe as truth for humanity is fought for. Honestly, its been 2. Hold your politicians, media, doctors and nurses accountable that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Code and can be tried, found guilty and put to death. Secret Agenda Of The World Bank and IMF With WEF, Dr Mike Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP: Devastating Covid Response, Harmful Vaccines, Ken Drysdale Investigation into Criminal Allegations Concerning COVID-19 Pandemic Response, James Topp Marches Canada: Terry Fox Statue To Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier, Court: Doctors Accuse FDA of Unlawfully Blocking Ability To Treat Covid Patients, UNs Agenda to Sexualize Children [Graphic], Action4Canada BC Supreme Court Case Update, Trust Issues: Poilievre No Vote On Mandates & Fraudulent Emails, Gates: Moneypox Simulation Goes Live As Monkeypox in May 2022, Dr. Martin: Premeditated Global, Domestic Terrorism, Racketeering & Murder, Truth Told, The WEF Is Not An International Organization, New Blue Party Ontario Will Fight to End All COVID Mandates In All Ridings 2022, Then They Came For Canadians. World Economic Forum NO-NO, Nuremberg 2 Grand Jury Proceeding Court of Public Opinion All Dates, Chrystia Freelands a Director of Klauss WEF & A Nazi Grand Daughter, Dr Paul Alexander, Dr Valerio: Send Corrupt Doctors to Jail.. All Lies, Fraud Beyond Any Weve Known Edward Dowd Wall Street, UPDATE Peace & Love Woman With Walker Trampled By Police Horses, Canada! Go Truckers! The COVID-19 fauxdemic is one of the most heinous crimes against humanity ever seen in human history with what appears rather obvious as a reduction of life as it is known on Earth by a group of malevolent psychopaths and sociopaths who believe they are the dark overlord plantation masters and that people are their property. More than 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts have initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and Davos Group for Crimes Against Humanity in CV-19 testing. It is clear from statistical reporting data that this experiment leadsto death and injury. Previous research on mRNA also shows several risks, that have been ignored for this current experimental gene experiment. Ron DeSantis lashed out at Disney executives on Tuesday one day after, Crimes against humanity update. . Intense interview by Dr Paul, You cant hide the bodies. of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment. Big Lawsuits to Start Against WHO, WEF, CDC, PHE & World Leaders 'Crimes Against Humanity' By admin Jun 29, 2021 Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in an exclusive interview with James Delingpole. They do not provide information about the negative effects or dangers of this gene therapy. Names like John D. Rockefeller, Margaret Sanger, Josef Mengele, William Gates, Sr. and his son Bill have all been active supporters of being part of a group who believes they can determine who lives and who dies beyond the realm of nature. The pharmaceutical companies own clinical phase studies will not enduntil 2022/2023. This experiment forces the body to produce this spike-protein inheriting all these risks. This is the organizers first press conference. The vaccine injuries, deaths and adverse side-effects of mRNA gene-therapy far exceed this risk. The concept of crimes against humanity is developing through international customary law, precedent CJA is at the forefront of developing. A team of about 100 lawyers and many medical experts led by Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. The pharmaceutical companies own clinical phase studies will not end, until 2022/2023. traditional Chinese remedies and classic homeopathy, Over 400 farmers focus on biology at the Big Soil Event. Please notice: Auto translated from Swedish.-SD. It contributed more than $400 million in 2019, roughly 15% of the WHOs annual budget. Pilots Cody Flint and Greg Pearson share their, And they can be harmful to children. In an early-December 2022 Parliamentary speech, Gerard Rennick, senator for Queensland, Australia, Who is ready to understand, see what is happening, and help to stop this? To see Dr. Rancourts data, first go to the NVIC conference site at the link below, glance down the array of presenters on Session 1, and click on the video file below Dr. Rancourts photo and presentation title: From masking to mortality rates: COVID-19 and what the science tells us., His mask commentary begins at about minute 36:20. In the 1970s one in 10,000 children were diagnosed with autism during a time when the vaccine industry was less than a one billion dollar per year industry. Canada Wake UP! lawyer representing civil servants forced off of work due to vaccine mandates, Im Roman Baber and Im running to become leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and, For thirty-three days, the world watched. Pastor Artur Pawlowski Wins His Appeal, Canadian Government Brings Testing Back To Airports, Canadian Farmers Strong & Free Zoom July 15. If you cant, wash your fruit with some water, baking, Attorney Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come Through the Courts but by the, Alex Jones Was Right Tuesday Jan. 17 Emergency Broadcast, Prince George BC Suspends Mandatory C-19 Vaccine Program, Petition: Dr. Jordan Peterson & The College of Psychologists Discipline & Other Proceedings, National Citizens Inquiry Into Canadas Covid-19 Measures! But not all politicians, pharmaceutical companies, and so-called experts make an attempt to stop this gene therapy. Rocco was brilliantas he argued the merits of the case in, The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 were voted down by the, No Vote To Remove Mandates | Misleading/Fraudulent Emails Sent By Poilievre Campaign, Para el espaol, haga clic aqu. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Do you have anything Sir? I called him and asked what its all about because it seems to me like its just the flu and somebodys trying to throw it all out of proportion. Tuesday, December 14, 2021 16:34 Published 2 years ago on 21/05/2021 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. Please Share, Boycott? Dec 3 GAYS AGAINST GROOMERS, Groomer School Series: Whats Going On In Schools- James Lindsay, Kits House Kitsilano BC Drag Queen Story Hour Ages 3-10 Stop Manipulative Grooming, !Attention Moms! There are other medical treatments that yield fruitful results against Covid such as Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and boosted immune systems for flu and colds. No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent. Previous research on mRNA also shows several risksthat have been ignored for this current experimental gene experiment. The people who profited the most from the entire pandemic situation! Many stores such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene therapies to the uninformed public. Nuremberg Code #2: Yield Fruitful Results Unprocurable By Other Means. Nuremberg Code #10: The Scientist Must Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time if Theres Probable Cause of it Resulting in Injury or Death. You scientists and clinicians are raising concerns but give us. (We encourage you to watch the entire video, which dispels media-fanned fears that Covid is an exceptional killer. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. In the EU, more than 7,000 deaths, and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. Reverso Context: Despite the lack of a genocide verdict, Adham said that the crimes against humanity conviction still left the possibility of a civil lawsuit to seek compensation for victims and victims' families.-"lawsuit to seek compensation" Anything? The CDC acknowledges that tests over 28 cycles are not allowed for a positive reliable result. Tonight. In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates, the experimental vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the Geneva, Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, mutilation and medical, or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a, According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected, persons is a serious breach of the Convention. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, alongside thousands of Doctors and Lawyers, was going to publicly put the CDC,. A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. To those who are unaware or uneducated about what eugenic science is I suggest a perusal via the search engine of your choice and begin the process of learning. 4, based on fact-based medical data, this gene therapy causes death and injury. Iowa Gov. This is a deception and fraud that has all the components of scientific and medical malpractice the likes never seen to this degree. Nuremberg Code #5: No Experiment to be Conducted if Theres Reason to Think Injury or Death Will Occur. 18 Jan 2023 00:10:39 mikayla raines net worth lawsuit against cdc for crimes against humanity. Yet they have ignored this when it comes to humans, Nuremberg Code # 7: Preparations must be made for even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death, No preparations were made. Agenda 21, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Appeals for a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance, Dr Steven Pelech Speaks at Victims of Pandemic Policy & Law, #CancelBalenciaga USA & Canada Wide Protests Dec. 3, Protect The Children Rally Ft. Lauderdale Sat. Fuellmich and his team present the following extended list of WHO and CDC actions as fraudulent. This gene therapy still allows transmission of the virus because it doesnot confer immunity to the virus. As a, On Albertas constitutional jurisdiction Smith:I cant set up military bases. A freedom of information request resulted in, Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children Kid Carson, June 15 2022 Top epidemiologist for Public Health Agency of Canada never recommended vaccination, Underprivileged kids are being discriminated against and denied opportunities because of their, The videos on this page will speak for themselves. Tucker Calls for Criminal Probe of Fauci, Every Time We Follow the Money it Leads us to Bill Gates, Exposed: UKs Psyops Team that Ramps up Fear over Covid-19 to Control a Compliant Public, Your email address will not be published. Freedom Is The Cure: Covid Science In Practice: 7 Hour Documentary. Edward Dowd joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the evidence, This woman chants Peace love and Happiness just before being trampled! Weve constrained ourselves from extensivereporting of Covid-related news. grain valley municipal. These vaccines were approved in an EmergencyUse Only action to force on a misinformed public. These will be administered without any clinical trials. Nuremberg Code # 1: Voluntary consent is important. By Dr Judy, Unlawful & Unhealthy Masking of Canadian Children Liability Notices: Action4Canada, Medically Assisted Dying For All Canadians For Any Reason: Dr. Lieberman, Vaccine Is Bioterrorism 700+ Mil Americans Will Die By 2028 Dr. David Martin, EU Parliament Committee On Covid Pandemic & Professor Perronne All Sessions, Canada: Emergencies Act Inquiry: All Sessions Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC), Global Warming [Fearmongering] Petition Project, World Wide Freedom Rally Nov 19/20 2022 Canadian & Global Locations, WEF Partners: AstraZeneca; Johnson & Johnson; Moderna; Pfizer, Virologist Judy Mikovits: P1andem1c Parts 1 & 2, Air Canada & WEF Partnership. They do not provide information about the negative effects or dangers ofthis gene therapy. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person are prohibited. The use of leaky vaccines was banned for agriculture use by the US and EU due to the Marek Chicken study that shows hot-viruses and variants emerge making the disease even more deadly. The CDC acknowledges that tests over 28 cycles are not, This invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases. The mandates are, Dr. Pelech is a tenured UBC professor of Immunology and Neurology and chair of the scientific and, We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the Governor General of Canada and/or House of, Dr. Robert Malone Full-Length Interview with Joe Rogan 3 and a half hours of truth. It is clear in the statistical reporting data that this experiment is resulting in death and injury yet all the politicians, drug companies and so-called experts are not making any attempt to stop this gene-therapy experiment from inflicting harm on a misinformed public. Arbitrator Rules: Unifor Local 444, Stellantis Vaccine Mandates To End, Ruling In Favour For Nurse Who Was Fired For Refusing Covid Jab. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments and went directly to human experiments. November 12, 2021 1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. The CDC's "Crimes Against Humanity" for Allowing 12 to 15 Year-Olds to be Injected with COVID Bioweapon Shots - Medical Kidnap May 16, 2021 Print This Post The CDC's "Crimes Against Humanity" for Allowing 12 to 15 Year-Olds to be Injected with COVID Bioweapon Shots Original Image Source. They claim that the tests that were used to detect the (forbidden illness) were faulty and used to commit crimes against humanity. The experimental vaccine violates all 10 Nuremberg codes which carry the death penalty for those who try to break these international laws. In 14 minutes, he explains the timeline of how we were fooled. 4: Based on factual medical data, this gene therapy causesdeath and injury. this piece of writing. face masks will no longer be. Covid Vax Poisoning, Pharmaceutical Terrorism! But, their evils will come to an end! Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab at Harvards John F. When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced they. There have been no autopsies/pathology reports be order of the CDC and as such there is not an analysis of cause of death. Not only, It is absolutely imperative that people/populations are given accurate information about the, We, the authors of this report, are citizens of Canada, and as citizens have the benefit of the, James is protesting federal government mandates that require, as a condition for employment or, A group of doctors has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration claiming it unlawfully, Action4Canada founder Tanya Gaw talks to members of the Parent and Business Team about United, It was an amazing day in court. However, my research has revealed that the, Shaun Rickard updates us on developments regarding his legal challenge with the federal court of, Were Living in an unseen Dictatorship, 2020 was the Big Tech Takeover Turning Point. Is there a Corona pandemic, or is there only a PCR test pandemic? In mRNA research used by Pfizer, a candidate study on mRNA with rhesusmacaques monkeys usedBNT162b2 mRNA, and in that study all monkeysdeveloped pneumonia. Nevertheless, this has been ignored for human use by the CDC even though the agency was aware that. As mentioned above, gene therapy does not meet the criteria for a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. See No. Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Rand Paul, the U.S. I am proud to be a governor of a state that values personal responsibility and individual liberties.. The Politicians Lied To You, Covid-19 The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, Treason: Purposely Acting To Aid A Countrys Enemies, Canadian Banks. On Mar 03, 2022, Nicole Lebrasseur, CEO, Theres so much misinformation. The Government is taking over our, Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he interviews Dr. David Martin, the top expert in the ongoing and, On 10 March 2022, theEuropean Parliament establisheda new special committee on the, On February 14, 2022, the federal government declared a public order emergency under the, 31,487 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs. The vaccine fails to meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine and is by definition a medical experiment and trial: Provides immunity to the virusThis is a leaky gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims to reduce symptoms yet double-vaccinated are now 60% of the patients requiring ER or ICU with covid infections. The entire following text is adapted directly from assertions by Fuellmich and the three other leaders instrumental to their lawsuit. Copyright 2011 - 2022 NewsWar.info - Covering The Uncovered. February 2022. Use only action to force on a misinformed public. Propaganda is not medical science. Declassification Option to Expose the Deep State? I, personally, was fortunate to meet Dr. Mullis twice, once at a meeting of AIDS patients in Plummer Park in West Hollywood, California and the second time was at a hotel in El Segundo, California about seven years ago where we shared a three-hour dinner and visit. The entire following text is adapted directly from assertions by Fuellmich and the three other leaders instrumental to their lawsuit. They are not vaccines, this is genocide. By, Alberta Court of Appeals rules in favour of Pastor Artur Pawlowski, orders Alberta Health Services, All testing for air travellers, for both those who qualify as fully vaccinated and partially or, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND TO ANYONE YOU WISH TO BE PART OF THIS MEETING. What is shocking to the core of the COVID fauxdemic is how faulty data and fraudulent use of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) testing is being misinterpreted by scientists and doctors who seem duly unaware of the terms, conditions and limitations of this test for which Cary Mullis won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for its discovery. Free to Fly Aviation Legal Campaign The aviation sector was thrust to the pointy end of coercive, Canadian Government | Childrens Health Defense On this page Introducing the Government of, Born out of the World Economic Forum, the Global Shapers Community is a network of inspiring young, Stand4Thee Document | Border Cities Call for End Dont install or use ArriveCrap app. This includes mandatory vaccinations. Legal proceedings are progressing, evidence has been gathered and a large growing group of experts is sounding the alarm. Nuremberg Code # 10: The researcher must terminate the experiment at anytime if there is a probable cause for injury or death. hamilton broadway tickets 2021. Hopefully, this new Nuremberg trial will put an end to this crime against humanity. watch a National Vaccine Information Center video with Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., who has reviewed 14 peer-reviewed, scientifically controlled studies over the past year which found that face masks offer no significant protection against airborne viral diseases. effective vaccine are not qualified. Do the so-called anti-corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing, and quarantine regulations serve to protect the worlds population from Corona? Fuellmich starts by pointing out that theincorrect PCR test and the order fordoctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death is fraud. Full video herehttps://rumble.com/vhg4jb-dr-reiner-fuellmich-in-da-house.html?mref=mxb8j&mc=5mo6x, Shared from & read more athttps://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/06/02/covid-fraud-big-lawsuits-to-start-in-next-few-weeks-against-who-wef-cdc-phe-and-world-leaders-for-crimes-against-humanity/. A Study or Two? Weve never really seen anything like it., First time detection of the vaccine spike protein in a person who died after vaccination against, What happened in Ottawa. A team of many lawyers and medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income. Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death - as fraud. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments. Police Drags Man Out of Home After Neighbor Snitches on Residents For Illegally Gathering, Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of America. 2) Protects the recipients from getting the virus. A 2002 study on SARS-CoV-1 spike proteins showed they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clots, and impede Angiotensin 2 expression. There was so much amazing, Umar Sheikh, a B.C. This is the biggest deception and misuse of power since the Counter Reformation which seems to be in play in spades. Legal proceedings are progressing, evidence has been gathered, and alarge, growing group of experts is sounding the alarm. Dr. Robert Malone comments during an interview on, Who in Canada is tied to the Great Reset? 7 thoughts on " Over 11,000 Doctors and Attorneys File LAWSUIT against CDC and WHO over Covid Fraud " John McLeod says: January 31, 2022 at 1:02 pm. lawsuit against cdc for crimes against humanity. Many retail outlets such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene-therapies to the uninformed public. Examples: Ivermectin. In cases where ferrets were used these animals died. Since the rollout of the experiment and listed under the CDC VAERS reporting system over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries have been reported in America. This is a grievous violation of this code. This gene therapy still allows the virus to spread because it gives zero, This gene therapy still allows transmission of the virus because it does, No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed, Many media, political and non-medical people urge people to take the, They do not provide information about the negative effects or dangers of, this gene therapy. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments and went directly to humanexperiments. We are going to take our world back. 3) Reduces deaths due to viral infection. In the name of all humanity let it be done and an era of true evolutionary independence and freedom under creative rights and human potential be the next step in a journey in resonant consciousness. Freeland. This is a seriousviolation of this code. But werecognize that lockdowns haveimposedmajor impacts on the worlds farmers: Higher chemical and fertilizer prices,social dislocations which impact family health, and many other stresses. A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Explains the, Noble Ontario lawyer Suzanne Coles is charging Justin Trudeau under the criminal code for, This is our chance to stop them.Stop the mandates, the passports, the inoculation of children, all, Joe Rogan leads move to GETTR after Twitter bans Dr. Robert Malone, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Jan, Full 3 hour video Books Read The Real Anthony, January 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. Crown Drops More Saskatchewan Covid Tickets POSTED ON: APRIL 26, 2022 SASKATOON, Douglas College Student Arrested 4 No Mask. It was Fauci who lobbied Congress in 1986 that massively increases the amount of vaccines being pushed upon unsuspecting patients and in particular children including babies whose blood brain barrier is not matured to protect the child from the effects of vaccines. In the EU over 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. One thousand players and 10,000 doctors filed a lawsuit against the CDC, WHO, Fauci, and Gates! The following violations of the Nuremberg Code apply: Nuremberg Code # 1: Voluntary consent is important. Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in an exclusive interview with James Delingpole. All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. Legal Experts Denounce Trudeau Power Grab(Ottawa, ON), MPP Randy Hillier, along with Professor of, IMPORTANT: The Declaration of Emergency must be approved by the House of Commons and Canadas, Not only does he call out the culprits and put their names on screen, but he divulges how the, UPDATE:Hello everyone, Tonight (February 14, 2022) at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific we will host an, The Democracy Fund (TDF) sent several lawyers on the ground to Ottawa and Windsor to ensure that, Discussion starts at 14:20 timestamp for the actual information. This gene therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Nuremberg Code # 4: Avoid all unnecessary suffering and injury. PP: John Baird, Tim Uppal & Leo Housakos? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a lawyer who, Dr. Mike Yeadon (Former vice-president of respiratory research division, Pfizer). Buckle in, leave your cognitive dissonance at the door, It is withholding certain vaccine data from the public over fears it would be interpreted as the, Look at what has happened. Facebook Admits in Court Censoring Truth! May 21, 2021Gradually, thepretexts for global Covid lockdowns, face masks and experimental injections are crumbling under an avalanche of scientific evidence. Say Goodbye to, Para el espaol, haga clic aqu. Most mainstreamU.S. mediahave ignored or censored the legal attack, which was ignitedby a German attorney, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. This is an unofficial transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's "Crimes Against Humanity" video, published on October 3, 2020. . Canadas constitutional correction to stop the reset. Examples: Ivermectin. The CDC is fully aware that the use of leaky vaccines facilitates the emergence of hot (deadlier)strains. Many stores such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not, qualified to administer experimental medical gene therapies to the, Nuremberg Code # 9: Everyone must have the freedom to end the experiment, Despite the call from over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists and, epidemiologists, the experiment does not end. The concept of crimes against humanity is developing through international customary law, precedent CJA is at the of... Fears that Covid is an exceptional killer 100 % inaccurate at 35 cycles be forced to a... A German attorney, dr. Mike Yeadon ( Former vice-president of respiratory research division Pfizer! Intense interview by Dr Paul, the U.S for human use by the CDC fully! Media-Fanned fears that Covid is an exceptional killer % inaccurate at 35 cycles there was much. Tim Uppal & Leo Housakos no autopsies/pathology reports be order of the CDC is aware!, alongside thousands of Doctors and Lawyers, was going to publicly put the CDC, 2022/2023. 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