Case Number: 23001165 Case Number: SMP22025437 #4 Carrying/Unlawful Possession Of A Firearm F #3 Resisting Arrest M Arrest Agency: Oregon State Police ORS: 137.050 Jail: Marion County Jail Administrative Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm Jail: Marion County Jail ORS: 164.045 Case Number: SMP23001146 Court Phone: PRETRIAL Inmate Number: 00822183 Arrest Date: 01/11/2023 Arrest Date: 01/11/2023 Case Number: 23-014849 Arrest Agency: Salem Pd ORS: 137.050 Once you have these details, walk into the offices of one of the agencies listed below and fill their warrant search request form. Arrest Agency: Salem Pd #5 Conspiracy To Commit A Class C Felony F Name: SAMMY NINO Arrest Agency: Silverton Pd Inmate Number: 523137 ORS: 811.140 Arrest Date: 01/17/2023
Arrest Agency: Oregon State Police SE Salem, OR 97317 Jail Overview The Marion County Jail (MCJ) is a 151,000 square foot structure currently housing 400 adults in custody. Arrest Agency: Salem Pd Marion County Correctional Facility 4000 Aumsville Highway SE Salem, OR 97317 To locate or find information about an inmate in the Marion County Correctional Facility, call the jail at 503-581-1183 or look them up on the official Inmate Search Jail Roster for Marion County Correctional Facility. ORS: 811.140 The facility has classes on A/A, Drug & Alcohol education, a GED Program and religious programs. Photo from booking on 8/20/2020 12:00:00 AM Court Phone: PRETRIAL ORS: 137.545 Arrest Agency: Marion County So Court Phone: PRETRIAL Sex: Male, #1 Parole Violation X james barron-flowers in oregon marion county arrested for sex ab i, sex abuse i, rape ii, sex pen ii, sex penetration foreign ob ii, sodo ii, sodomy ii, disp child, display child-sexual conduct. Whether through volunteering for local non-profit community organizations, tossing Frisbees as we patrol through neighborhoods, hosting an online Q&A for interested job applicants, or sharing data at virtual neighborhood meetings, we want to connect with our community! Case Number: 22-1933 The facility is a "direct supervision" jail where deputies are assigned inside the housing units. Jail: Marion County Jail Arrest Agency: Salem Pd Court Phone: PRETRIAL Court Phone: PRETRIAL, Name: FROILAN FRANCO Arrest Agency: Silverton Pd Booking Date: 11/15/2022 12:30:25 AM Case Number: KZP22003900 Arrest Date: 01/17/2023 Arrest Agency: Salem Pd #2 False Information To A Police Officer For A Citation (Cleared) M Arrest Date: 01/17/2023 Marion County Mugshots : Jan-17-2023 January 18, 2023 By oregoncrimenews Feature_Image_Marion_County_Mugshots_Jan-17-2023.png Information on this page was obtained from the website of the Marion County Jail, which is public domain. #5 Child Neglect 2nd Deg (Cleared) M Court Phone: PRETRIAL NOTE: Starting 1/1/2022, Oregon HB 3273 prohibits the release of booking photos unless a person has been convicted. Arrest Date: 10/02/2022 Inmate Number: 00822079 Case Number: 2208479 Case Number: JSU Arrest Agency: Silverton Pd Court Phone: PRETRIAL, Name: BLANCA FLORES-FLORES Arrest Agency: Oregon State Police NOTE: Starting 1/1/2022, Oregon HB 3273 prohibits the release of booking photos unless a person has been convicted. ORS: 811.140 Arrest Date: 12/18/2022 Booking Date: 11/15/2022 7:30:45 PM Arrest Agency: Marion County So #2 Att Elude Police Ofc Vehicle 2 Fel Vehicle F ORS: 813.010 Job specializations: Healthcare. Court Phone: PROVIO Arrest Agency: Marion County So ORS: 163.190 Court Phone: PRETRIAL, Photo from booking on 3/7/2021 12:00:00 AM Court Phone: PRETRIAL Arrest Agency: Salem Pd Court Phone: PRETRIAL, Name: JUSTIN DUANE MCKOON Court Phone: PRETRIAL Arrest or booked:An arrest is the act of depriving a person of his or her liberty usually in relation to the purported investigation or prevention of crime and presenting (the arrestee) to a procedure as part of the criminal justice system. Booking Date: 1/11/2023 11:20:30 PM Court Phone: PRETRIAL You can likewise include cash by reaching Right Arrangements at the telephone number 503-588-8572, 503-588-8595. Inmate Number: 535122 Jail: Marion County Jail Arrest Date: 01/17/2023 Arrest Date: 11/15/2022 Marion County OR Jail is a Medium security level County Jail located in the city of Salem, Oregon. ORS: 137.050 Jail: Marion County Jail Court Phone: PRETRIAL #mugshots, We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Website. You can reach either officer by calling 503-588-5094. Arrest Date: 01/16/2023 Jail: Marion County Jail Court Phone: PROVIO Arrest Date: 12/18/2022 Jail: Marion County Jail We've been finding ways to ensure those connections that we may have taken for granted in the past are made better by intentionally focusing on listening and being open to change. #2 Fail To Appear-Bench Warrant F Arrest Date: 01/11/2023 Age: 26 Sex: Female, #1 Violation Of Restraining Order M It is against the law to stalk or harass anyone using the information found on this site. Arrest Agency: Salem Pd Victim Information & Notification Everyday (V.I.N.E.) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Arrest Date: 01/17/2023 Inmate Number: 00821935 Court Phone: PRETRIAL Arrest Agency: Salem Pd Nearly 50 aggravated assaults and 34 robberies were among the reported violent offenses. A Marion County Warrant Search provides detailed information on whether an individual has any outstanding warrants for his or her arrest in Marion County, Oregon. Court Phone: PRETRIAL Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and have an original birth certificate. Sex: Male, #1 Attempt To Commit Crime 1 Assault Iii M Arrest Agency: Marion County So A sex offender is defined as someone with a conviction for a crime of a sexual nature such as rape, sodomy, and child pornography. The facility also operates as a hub for prisoner exchange. Arrest Date: 11/15/2022 ORS: 164.045 #5 Fail To Appear-Bench Warrant M Arrest Agency: Salem Pd Arrest Date: 11/14/2022 Court Phone: PRETRIAL This is a private site. Case Number: 23000408 Court Phone: PRETRIAL. Examples of privileges include, commissary, less restrictive living environments, greater out of cell time and/orbeing allowed to participate in programs and work projects. Arrest Date: 11/17/2022 ORS: 137.050 Case Number: JSU Arrest Date: 01/11/2023 Court Phone: PRETRIAL. Booking Date: 1/11/2023 7:50:53 PM Call the Clerk of Circuit Court at 503-588-5368 to get a criminal conviction and judicial records. Arrest Date: 01/11/2023 Case Number: JSU Age: 41 Case Number: 23000117 Case Number: 22017160 ORS: 137.050 Arrest Agency: Woodburn Pd Jail: Marion County Jail Name: KYLE PATRICK ADAMS Case Number: 23000117 Booking Date: 12/18/2022 8:50:08 AM Case Number: KZP23000122 Case Number: 23000117 Arrest Agency: Marion Co Community Corrections Age: 57 Contact The County What's Happening Adoptable Dogs Adult in Custody Lookup Licensing and Recording Pay Property Taxes Permits Rental Assistance Board of Commissioners Volunteer Job Opportunities Contracting Opportunities County Ordinances Ferries Contact Us Report a Problem Emergency Contacts TTY: Oregon Relay 1-800-735-1232 County Events Case Number: 23-014849 Arrest Agency: Keizer Pd Age: 35 #5 Fail To Appear-Bench Warrant M Photos used in this article are from prior bookings. Age: 38 #6 Conspiracy To Commit A Class C Felony (Cleared) F Case Number: SP23009702 As I've mentioned before, in my experience, difficulties often bring opportunity for improvement. ORS: 163.195 Case Number: SP23009702 ORS: 161.450 Arrest Agency: Keizer Pd Arrest Date: 01/11/2023 Jail: Marion County Jail Case Number: SP23009312 Arrest Agency: Salem Pd ORS: 133.310 Arrest Date: 01/11/2023 Arrest Agency: Oregon State Police Arrest Agency: Marion County So Arrest Agency: Salem Pd Arrest Agency: Silverton Pd #6 Fail To Appear-Bench Warrant F Sex: Male, #1 Fail To Appear-Bench Warrant F Case Number: KZP23-120 Case Number: SP22335659 ORS: 164.045 Court Phone: PRETRIAL, Name: KAI ANTHONY FINKLE Age: 28 Court Phone: PRETRIAL #4 Violation Of Restraining Order (Cleared) M ORS: 163.545 All records presented on this site are gathered from third party databases that are not controlled by the owners of this site. Court Phone: PRETRIAL Marion County Most Recent Arrests and Mugshots for Marion County The below mugshots were from the Marion County jail roster and is updated whenever new mugshots are available. Booking Date: 1/11/2023 9:40:39 PM Jail: Marion County Jail ORS: 999.065 Name: Sean Matthew Randall Court Phone: PRETRIAL Arrest Date: 01/17/2023 Arrest Date: 01/11/2023 Arrest Agency: Salem Pd All people featured here are presumed innocent until found guilty by a court of law. Sex: Female, #1 Violation Of Restraining Order M Booking Date: 1/17/2023 6:30:18 PM Jail: Marion County Jail Court Phone: PRETRIAL #2 Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree M Arrest Date: 11/15/2022 Booking Date: 1/17/2023 12:10:09 AM #2 Fail To Appear-Bench Warrant F Arrest Agency: Salem Pd So, while the judicial order does not prove guilt, it is a solid indication that both the judiciary and the police concur on an individuals possible involvement in a criminal act. Inmate Number: 330666 Court Phone: PRETRIAL Name: SERGIO JAVIER REYES Inmate Number: 660007 Court Phone: PRETRIAL, Name: NANCY GARCIA Case Number: JSU Arrest Agency: Stayton Pd Booking Date: 11/15/2022 12:10:44 AM Court Phone: PRETRIAL Court Phone: PARVIO, - Advertisement - (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Name: JERAMY ALAN BENDER Age: 32 Name: CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL JONES Age: 37 Age: 39 Arrest Agency: Salem Pd Arrest Agency: Oregon State Police Bail is set by a judge if he decides that conditional release or getting released on personal recognizance is not fit for the crime and the defendants criminal record and history of violence. #4 Fail To Appear-Bench Warrant M Jail: Marion County Jail Court Phone: PRETRIAL ORS: 999.065 Arrest Agency: Keizer Pd The following are new complaints and foreclosures received June 12-18. Sex: Male, #1 163A 040 Failure To Report As Sex Offender 2 Misd M News, information, mugshots, and more for Oregon and nearby jurisdictions. Case Number: SMP22024857 Case Number: SMP22025431 ORS: 144.350 Court Phone: SENTJ, - Advertisement - Arrest Agency: Stayton Pd Inmate Number: 215388 Arrest Agency: Salem Pd The Marion County Correctional Facility posts a Weekly Arrest Report Online which contains information on all inmates currently incarcerated in the jail. Court Phone: PARVIO, Name: MICHAEL RICHARD BRADSHAW Court Phone: PROVIO, Photo from booking on 6/9/2021 12:00:00 AM The mere questions and/or reports presented on this website about a possible arrest of a person are not an implication of an actual arrest. Inmate Number: 177664 #9 Fail To Appear-Bench Warrant M Arrest Date: 11/15/2022 Inmate Number: 519840 Arrest Agency: Salem Pd ORS: 133.310 document.write('
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