In this case, non-conformity should be warned against, as the results of such an approach will not be pretty. Reversed, this card speaks of needing to address inner issues before committing to another relationship. It would help if you discovered new beliefs, values, and procedures to replace the old ones since they are no longer effective. A negative Tower event can be akin to a bomb going off in your life. We can also be kind, but also realize that a huge burden can be lifted off our shoulders. It has affected your finances, your mental mindset, and you start to become particularly irritable with the people around you. Am I pregnant? The Hierophant also speaks of a spiritual love that grows over time. The Tower as feelings for ex suggests that your ex has experienced a profound transformation due to your connection if you ask how an ex or an old love feels about you. Its those mental states and situations that, as soon as we withdraw our attention from them, they crumble like a house of cards. The seeker could feel let down on some levels. If your relationship is built on a strong foundation, this could mean the coming of the next chapter. In an external conflict, its important to accept that there is no one universal truth. After their imprisonment in the depths by the Devil, the man and woman are finally free, but their troubles are not over yet. Sometimes I will choose the sound of rain or the ocean or even thunder. Ask yourself if you really are obliged to remain in that position or job. It can be something as small as a change in appearance or a particular way they acted that catalyzes your realization. The survivors of the Great Flood decided to build a tower so tall that it would reach Heaven. The Tower card can indicate that they are somewhat tired of you. The Tower is the card of transformative change, revelation, and awakening. If seeking out a career, your mindset may be the only aspect blocking your way. I am a participant in Amazons affiliate program. The energy of Aries can bring the positive side to the Tower card. I would not interpret The Tower as a card that represents pregnancy and conception, even if pregnancy is something you dont want. Title: I've Got a Feeling I'm Falling Label: Sounds of Yesteryear Product Type: COMPACT DISCS For the brief time she chose to work in show business, Hanshaw was the best of the best. The Tower corresponds to the planet Mars. Every end brings a fresh start. The Tower indicates that the situation will not turn out as previously expected. The commonly thought of meaning is that it's something that totally topples someone's preconceived ideas of what their lives are all about. No, this relationship has no future. You could believe that doing this would save you from additional suffering, but it will keep you from finding the love you have always wanted. However, it is important to remember that the Tower can be a symbol of positive transformation. Mars most definitely has positive traits as well, such as ambition and drive. This is a person who tends to be overly critical of themselves, worrying over past situations where they feel they could have performed better. Do they suddenly seem empty when exposed to the light of truth? We build these imaginary walls to protect ourselves, we become nervous because we seek solutions But perhaps we try to solve imaginary problems. It is important now to react with an open and analytical mind. The Tower will be pulled by people who put all of their finances into their business and lose everything. For relationships and feelings, the Tower reveals the power of rapid, transformative change. When the truth is made known to you, even perhaps through that flash of divine guidance, your circumstances must be viewed in a completely different light. About us. This person may feel like they are going through a major life and change and feel uncertain of what the future holds. Or it can be very much a happy truth, where you feel enlightened or even elated at a new revelation. The Tower sits on top of a jagged mountain. The Tower does not always refer to something negative- only that this change refers to a complete collapse of the old into the new. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Change starts with the individuals self. Destruction is a common meaning for The Tower when it appears in your love Tarot reading. Star Tarot Card Meaning 35 Interpretations! The Hierophant as feelings means that they feel stable and assured around you. Look deeper- not everything is as it seems. This results in unnecessary inner conflict and stress. The Tower card talks of a veil of falsehood surrounding you. If there is a sense of stagnancy, make sure to embrace new ideas and new opportunities. What lessons can we learn from our mistakes? When it comes to feelings, tarot can be incredibly helpful in grasping what we are currently experiencing and why. They wont still be attracted to you romantically if they are now. Tower as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Upright & Reversed) By Sibyl Tarot The Tower is the card of transformative change, revelation, and awakening. Ask unlimited questions. There is no doubt that this person can and will capture your attention. Or on the other end of the spectrum, you can make an unexpected discovery that a friend does not have your best interests at heart, dragging your perception of a seemingly innocent friendship into the dust. Are you a business person? Your relationship is going to fundamentally change. Tower as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Up. that all really makes sense. There is no sense of excitement or passion. It may be either a physical or mental barrier. It represents ambitions and goals made on false premises. The card shows a tower structure in flames, surrounded by clouds and a bolt of lightning. Tarot aims to warn you of the consequences of avoidance and suppression, because the sooner that you acknowledge the truth and accept it, the sooner you can move forward to work on that friendship. Its uncommon (but not unheard of) for The Tower to symbolize an actual building that causes issues. Your take no shit attitude will work in your favor. However, this can be a two-way problem, as the other person of inquiry might feel trapped with you instead, whether through the effects of a past relationship or a current one. i do get those interpretations too. The outcome may turn out very differently, but not necessarily any worse or better. Sometimes, for a fear of being left behind alone, this person will try to keep you by their side for as long as possible. The Tower predicts that you wont be the one to walk away instead, your partner will leave you without giving a reason why. People often misunderstand the Tower as a problem, either an unfair disaster or the retribution for our hubris on behalf of the Universe, but there is another way to look at it. Contents Revealing the painful truth about a situation is one of the aspects of the Tower, and it can also, vice versa, refer to them wanting to investigate you. An illustration from the Major Arcana with the Rider Waite Tarot deck. I didnt have my tarot deck so I just pulled on this twitter post that had a gif of all the major arcana, and got the tower TWICE. However, through the Tower as a situation, we learn to willingly let go of what we have to gain what we want and need finally. Are you experiencing synchronicities and strange premonitions? You cant change how this person reacts, but you can choose how you will react to change. Perhaps you can see that the only way out is through honest and effective communication, but you are afraid that being emotionally vulnerable or sincere will result in judgment or denial from others. You may have long moved away, but still experience perhaps the mental trauma or memories that the place once brought you. The Tower reversed advises you to break yourself free of what limits you, which is often a certain mindset or expectation. Click here to find out more and purchase your Soulmate Sketch today. One example can entail a surprise confession. they are suprised by what they feel, even if the feelings are positive. This card is about readying the internal to prepare for the external. Move on, and surrender to what needs to happen. According to the Tower Tarot book, you should try to make your relationship work to keep it from falling apart. Scorpios are amongst some of the most intense and passionate people in the zodiac. Alternatively, if looking for career options, then consider this card to be an indicator that an unexpected opportunity might present itself to you. Their feelings are not what you expect. Life is funny, and it has a way of bringing change into our lives, whether we like it or not. The Tower indicates the ending of a current relationship. So, to have a pleasant and fresh start, address the issues and let the past go. When The Tower appears in a Tarot spread as an obstacle, negative, or weakness, it means that what youre striving for does not look likely to succeed. The Tower reminds us that sudden and massive change is a part of life. In the outcome position, this card urges the querent to acknowledge what their belief or mindset towards their situation is in the current moment. Often, when we are compared against others from a young age and are told that other peoples achievements are our own failures, we learn to bring others down with us. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Advertise with us. Changes indicated by the Tower can be violent or drastic and are simply a warning for us to be prepared. Ready toexperiencean exciting and entertaining way to find out who your possiblesoulmateis? The Tower card usually represents a period of major change in our lives which can lead to feeling out of control. Or it might be like a very distant thunderstorm, barely visible and audible. When the Tower is thrown upside down, it projects feelings that are repressed, avoided, or bottled up. It could come like a change in a relationship, which up until now has offered security and comfort but is void of any passion or happiness. Our lives are about to be turned reversed by change, and the ensuing turbulence will test us to our very core. The Tower as someone sees you A person with an explosive character, the one who blows to the top of the head; Someone who is emotionally volatile; Someone who likes to "shake things up"; Someone who is disturbed. When you pull the Hierophant reversed in the context of someone's feelings for you, it could mean that your love interest may be coming from an unusual place. For now, there is something you are not facing; go and confront it. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. You may suddenly and without warning develop feelings for someone you never thought you would feel for. Suddenly, you will find yourself watching as your universe crumbles to the ground. When the Tower makes an appearance in a tarot spread, it generally signals the approach of the time when truths, fantasies, and belief systems built on falsehoods are about to meet their demise. You may have received notice concerning some negative news, such as a sudden layoff from the company. Is it your responsibility to answer to other peoples favors, or dress, act, and look a certain way on the account of someone elses request? GOOD. It looks like the tower was built into a rocky mountain, which indicates they wanted to conquer nature. It also has a timer so that I doesnt run dry. They might think you are trapped in your thoughts and beliefs, that you are afraid to push your limits. Awesome. We are being advised to move on from things that arent working for us. One of the strangest and most powerful Arcana, this card states, among other things, that creation and destruction are interconnected. One can anticipate the total deconstruction of ones belief system when the Tower card appears in a tarot reading. As an action card, the Tower in reverse calls on you to question all conventions and mental constructs imposed by society or created organically through the years. Learn more about Lisa here. In fact, a friendship could be giving way to a romantic relationship instead. Even more explicitly, the Tower could refer to actual constructed towers, such as the Eiffel Tower or even the Big Ben. Reconciliation is a challenging proposition now that Pandoras box has been unlocked. Though you may be transformative in your intensity, this person is scared and not currently receptive. You have taken the initiative in an attempt to free yourself from self-limiting beliefs. Therefore, if The Tower appears in the future of your Tarot reading, then be careful with your finances. Whether or not this relationship has the roots to become long-term remains to be seen, but its off to a promising start. The Towers meaning is rarely positive. Step out of relationships, romantic or platonic, that you will no longer grow in. Perhaps you have or will go through a time when your attitude and actions will come as a shock to others? Not all friendships represented by the Tower card are lost causes. In a situation such as the Tower reversed, you are being encouraged to tackle what you know that you have been avoiding. Even it may seem scary, try to embrace the change and welcome it in with an open mind. Make them much worse and feel them attacking you right in your heart. They feel in control of their emotions. The Tower as feelings may indicate difficulties or trauma for you or your companion if you are already committed to someone. However, this is not necessarily only limited to inner belief systems. Do they like me? Don't be fooled. Hence, it is a card of liberation and ascension. Although Aries and the Tower can represent unwise or careless decisions, you can face the results and come out the other side stronger than you went in. While you are making a living at it, you do not find any true satisfaction from your work. tool when it comes to providing insights and guidance in all kinds of areas. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. The old may be comfortable, but the new is certainly better for you emotionally. Sometimes, we feel weighed down or trapped by responsibilities that are not our own. If you are single, The Tower as feelings will signal that your illusion of love will be destroyed by the enormous upheaval in your love life. The crown reminds us that this is a royal tower. It is important to trust our instincts and go with the flow, as this will eventually lead us to where we need to be, even if we cant see it right now. You never know in what ways you may benefit from it further down the line. Sometimes, we can be presented with a problem that can only be solved by confronting what we fear. The Towers advice is to brace yourself and be aware; a major change is coming your way. The Tower reversed is a warning, telling you that you need to communicate. If you ask how someone feels for you, the Tower can indicate that the person in question is shocked or dumbfounded. The Tower card can indicate that they are somewhat tired of you. The relationship will alter, but not wholly negatively, according to The Tower Tarot relationship reading. This is a challenge that requires a lot of willpower and strength to overcome. All rights reserved. Need intuitive advice but wary of getting scammed? Youre not likely to let other people walk all over you. The Tower reversed asks you firmly to be more open-minded. See clearly and leave the boundaries of your comfort zone. It might be that your emotions seem almost desensitized against everything occurring around you. This can refer to a certain external event, not necessarily related to the conflict, that will shake the people involved into an entirely different mindset. And when we feel powerful bursts of positive inspiration, we can create art that truly moves us. However, the card could simply refer to unforeseen circumstances. They are not very happy about this type of disruptive change. The Tower card predicts major change unfolding in your friendships. In its place comes another degree of cognizance. It is the Major Arcana card of sudden upheaval and unexpected change. You cannot always tell if the Tower creates a positive or negative impression on ones mind, especially when that pertains to the impact you have in their life. Which in turn shows how the tower as action can be interpreted. By delving into the symbolism and deeper meaning of the cards, we can gain a greater understanding of our own emotions and motivations as well as those of others around us. The Tower experience comes like a flash of lightning to topple the hierarchy of the old order, after which everyone can have a fresh start on a more equal footing. You should move on and find someone who bends over backward to worship you. Tower Tarot card meaning. Consider getting some therapeutical help in acknowledging past traumas or truths about yourself. Ultimately, that is a sign to stop waiting for the Universe to fulfill your dreams. Though it may hurt at first, it is better to know sooner than later. The end of the relationship has taken a toll on them. As feelings the Tower holds something that will change how you see this person. Well, if you really give it some serious consideration, you can think of many ways that the Tower can be a good card rather than a bad card. The Tower reversed in a career can indicate that the market, other companies, or fellow competitors are changing all around you, but your company may be refusing to adapt to a new environment, stuck in old, outdated ways of operating. The Tower frequently shows a need to move your thoughts regarding love if you are single. In fact, if paired with the Strength Major Arcana card, then this may indicate that the querent needs to draw upon their inner guidance to help tackle the shifting external factors and problems. show Remember, the Tower is you. Your actions may seem unpredictable. We become caught up in denial and stubbornness, unaware of the unnecessary harm, invalidation, and dissatisfaction we are causing for others. However, it may not necessarily be a fully negative situation, as it could even be referring to difficulty in coping with a new job position. Without head-on confrontation, it is unlikely that you will be able to move forward with as much momentum and success as you would like. The Tower tarot love guide advises against aiming for or expecting your relationship to return to its previous state. In drawing the Tower for the outcome position, your mind may jump to the worst possible conclusion that there is. Some matters are being repressed for fear of confrontation and loss, only brewing more quiet resentment by the day. This person likely sees you as being very strong and resilient, especially if you have been through a lot in your life. But regarding your emotions in the short term, this may not be a negative thing. Even though the Tower is a card that tends to get a bad rep, it is actually one of the most liberating and insightful cards if we truly allow its messages to resonate within us. Two people, along with a crown, are seen to be falling towards the ground. Contents of website is Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2022) not to be reproduced without permission. Being with you is safe, and they feel that you are a good choice for them. Some situations are better left in the past to learn from in the present. Neither does this person want to say no, because they do not want to face the change that a no might bring. After the storm has passed, questions arise. The Seeker could be experiencing a shakeup of old trauma. Like the bold of lightening in the sky. Between a rock and a hard place, they feel as if they are suspended in midair. For existing relationships, the Tower indicates that this person harbors explosive feelings for you underneath the surface. It is very common for The Tower to symbolize legal trouble or time spent in prison. While your relationship may be permanently changed, it can be for the better. They know things will change when you find out, things may get explosive, either your hopes and dreams, or a nightmare. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Tower as feelings signifies that great changes are coming. However, I only recommend products that I personally love. Reversed, the obstacle is a mental shift that requires the letting go of old self-belief systems and being unafraid to allow yourself to go through necessary change. Bankruptcy, divorce, infidelity in love, death, and serious illnesses are frequent Tower events. It is indeed frustrating to be helpless in a situation where you feel so betrayed by the truth that crumbles down around you. For example, house fires or floods can occasionally be predicted with The Tower Tarot card. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. The Tower card suggests that the person thinks you are a very strange individual. Their view about you might have suddenly. Its contemporary tarot card meanings often refer to disruption, instability, transformation, and the inevitable truth. This will not happen after a long, drawn-out illness; it will be something that takes you by surprise. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Tower means that this person feels that youve changed their view on life. Lightning strikes, burning the Tower down. Ill fill the diffuser with lavender or peppermint. What are the signs that you will soon meet your twin flame for the first time? It can be an old or comfortable space for you. Your beliefs should be tested in a trial by fire. In the end, theyve caused more harm than good. Two individuals do a headfirst dive from the window. Perhaps the situation in question is one that you are too overly invested in, and spirit is asking you to let the outcome go, for the benefit of yourself and others. This is a great time to start making new plans and taking steps towards our goals. We are not obligated to follow the norm. When the Tower is reversed, it means that this person feels resistant to coming change. Once again, a spiritual transformation can be slow and less glorious than what it sounds like, but it occurs for the ultimate benefit of the querent. We often cannot see it at the time, but looking back, these are the moments that make us. It is time to enjoy our time and make the most out of it! This card has shown up a lot in recent years, tying in with the world and galactic changes. Their view about you might have suddenly changed. For singles and those in new relationships, the Tower reversed is a sign of feeling unwilling to make a big change right now. They are stuck on you and refuse to let go. You may challenge their inner belief systems. It speaks of emergencies and unforeseen disasters, the catastrophe brought on by a devastating storm, both literally and metaphorically. When it comes to love and relationship, the reversed Tower card often signifies that things are going well right now, even though there may have been some challenges in the (recent) past. The intention represented by the Tower reversed is to keep you in your place. Becoming trapped in the monotonous or tedious routines of a certain job, way of life, or any situation in fact, can leave us feeling drained. The Tower holds a lot of drama. The Tower can symbolize the untimely death of your partner. Privacy Policy. They feel that they are caught in midair, between a rock and a hard place. In affection tarot readings, the Tower urges you to pose yourself with a few essential inquiries about your connections and organizations. The Tower reversed as feelings indicate that the person you are enquiring about feels like they are going through a time of major change and turmoil. The challenge that the Tower reversed presents is one of stagnancy. As the reversed Tower represents a sense of new found confidence and security, it indicates that we may feel ready to open up our hearts to someone new. They can be set in their ways, holding onto old and previously established values or situations. It is purely up to how those involved in this conflict will react that will determine whether this situation ends amicably or badly. Whether good or bad, you can rest assured that change is coming in the relationship. They would prefer not to move at all, because they are scared of change. Two people leap from the windows, headfirst. The imagery on this card is a typical scene of destruction and disruption. In an internal conflict, the battle can seem infinitely endless. Have there been times in the relationship where youve let small things go too many times? Is this persons intentions built upon a falsehood or pretense? You may be forgoing opportunities and not applying for certain companies or positions because it does not fit your ideal job in mind. During the burning and collapse of the tower, there is panic and upheaval, both physically and emotionally. If youve been going through a tough time, the reversed Tower card usually indicates that things are starting to look up and we are beginning to feel more positive about the future. Did you think that something in your life was stable and truthful? The Diffuser adds a nice gentle scent to my home. In this conflict will react that will change when you find out more and purchase Soulmate... 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